Jingu Gaien redevelopment issue...Is Japanese society vulnerable to external pressure?

· Society:Environment,Ryuichi Sakamoto,Yuriko Koike,Keisuke Kuwata,Haruki Murakami


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Japanese society cannot move towards solving problems not only in human rights issuesbut also in environmental issues without the help of the international community...                                                                                                    The late international musician Ryuichi Sakamoto                                                                    American management consultant Rochelle Cupp                                                  UNESCO's alert...                                                                                             As a result of their violent protests, Japanese society finally started to move...

・Governor Koike requests explanation from business operators regarding ``one-sided information'' Mainichi shimbun: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20230915/k00/00m/040/214000c

・Mitsui Fudosan: Postpone the start of tree felling work until after the new year

Mitsui Fudosan has announced that it will report a revised plan for tree felling plan to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year.

“We want to reduce the number of cutting trees”

TOKYO Web                                                                         https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/280535

Japan is still a minor in the international community and needs his parents.

Ryuichi Sakamoto talks about Japan...WEB limited uncut version:               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILBO3gEfrUY

Ryuichi Sakamoto spoke about his thoughts on forest conservation: “Protecting nature will also positively impact human economic activity.'' when he visited “Kashimo Forest'' in Nakatsugawa, Gifu, 11 years ago.                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZNnHcurkuQ

Mr. Rochelle Cupp [Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto] 2023.4.22 in front of Jingu Gaien Art Gallery:                                                                                                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCm-lhv__UY

[Jingu Gaien] Press conference after submitting a request to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology September 25, 2023, Online signature exhibitor Rochelle Cup:                                                           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INvlWly7ZV4

“Learning about the mechanism of Jingu Gaien redevelopment—from the basics to the rights conversion plan” by Ryotaro Iwami                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNfs8g_fzUI

ICOMOS committee chairman and others hold a press conference calling for the withdrawal of redevelopment of Jingu Gaien                                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7yWJ2JdLFE&t=132s

Southern All Stars - Relay ~Mori no Uta [Official Music Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaGAfo_yJLI


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September 7th

UNESCO advisory body ICOMOS warns about redevelopment of Jingu Gaien (Heritage Alert)

World ICOMOS Chairwoman Elizabeth Brabec asserted that ``Jingu Gaien is part of the city park,'' emphasizing the historical significance and environmental value of Jingu Gaien, announced we will work with civic groups and celebrities, and requested

that the plan be canceled.

ICOMOS Japan and ICOMOS Worldwide demanded responses from business operators and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government by October 10th and also called on the national government and the Agency for Cultural Affairs to get involved.

UNESCO demands:

UNESCO has warned that a developer's plan to build a high-rise building on a site that includes the Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium in Jingu Gaien, Minato Ward, Tokyo, will affect the landscape and value of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution Sites which are World Heritage.

UNESCO is requesting that the plan be reconsidered or canceled.

UNESCO has expressed dissatisfaction with the Japanese government for not providing sufficient information regarding the Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan.

The Japanese government insisted that the plan would not affect World Heritage Sites and asked UNESCO to provide evidence.


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Was Tokyo's environmental assessment fraudulent?                                                                   58 deficiencies pointed out by ICOMOS (summary)

<Inadequacies regarding the structure and contents of the environmental impact assessment report>

・Basic materials such as vegetation maps and tree registers are missing

・Specific information regarding tree preservation and transplantation is not shown

・The environmental impact of cutting down and transplanting trees has not been properly evaluated

・The impact on the cultural landscape has not been considered.                                       ・The impact on the cultural landscape is ignored                                    ・The environmental impact of the construction of high-rise buildings and domed stadiums has been underestimated.                                                                          ・Insufficient safety and mitigation measures                ・Explanation regarding the process and method of preparing the environmental impact assessment report is unclear

<Deficiencies in the operation of the environmental impact assessment system>

・The business operator released its business plan before submitting an environmental impact statement to the Tokyo metropolitan government.         

・The business operator changed the business plan after submitting the environmental impact assessment report to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and did not make the changes public.  

・After the Tokyo Metropolitan Government accepted the environmental impact assessment report, the business operator changed its business plan, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Government tacitly accepted the changes, did not publicize the changes, and did not re-evaluate the changes.

Criticism of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assessment Council: “Too unscientific”


Musicians and other celebrities who protested

Keisuke Kuwata:

"I had almost no chance to work with Professor (Ryuichi Sakamoto's nickname)"

"I did some research on this issue myself, and I felt like it was a huge waste, so I wrote these lyrics"

"I'm trying to put all my feelings into these lyrics"

Haruki Murakami:

"I personally strongly oppose this plan. Once destroyed, it cannot be restored. We must pass on this precious cultural landscape to the next generation."

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The opposition movement has gained the support of many people and has reached approximately 200,000 signatures calling for a review of the plan...The Tokyo metropolitan government and business operators are ignoring these opposition movements and proceeding with construction. If things continue as they are, the history and nature of Jingu Gaien will be destroyed.

On September 4th, the "Jingu Gaien Preservation Association" held a press conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and announced that it had received support from 78 writers, actresses, and cultural figures (Kumiko Akiyoshi, Tokiko Kato, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Seicho Matsumoto, Takashi Matsumoto, Yumi Matsutoya, Yoji Yamada, etc.)

September 11th: Approximately 3,000 people attended a rally at Jingu Gaien hosted by the Association to Preserve Jingu Gaien, including Ajikan Goto, who continues Ryuichi Sakamoto's legacy, and Takeshi Yamazaki, a former professional baseball player who played at Jingu Stadium.

September 15th: Citizens formed a "human chain" to surround the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to protest against the redevelopment of Jingu Gaien https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/jingu-gaien-human-chain -mext_jp_650669abe4b0c8ce433b8e1c

September 25th: American management consultant Rochelle Cupp submits a request to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/jingu-gaien-ministry-of-education-official-request_jp_65100ab8e4b018d0253a1499