Evgeny Prigozhin disappeared into the “darkness”…

· World:War&Conflict,Vladimir Putin,Evgeny Prigozhin,Mikhail Gorbachev,Alexander Lukashenko
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Evgeny Prigozhin's funeral was held in his hometown with only relatives in attendance...

On the day of the event, strict security was in place to prevent outsiders from attending, and media restrictions were in place, and Mr. Putin also refrained from attending this funeral.

It is no wonder that the aim is to prevent confusion caused by the influx of reporters and many supporters...

We didn't get to see him sleeping in a coffin, and we didn't get to see his family mourn his loss...These mean that the truth has been hidden and thrown into darkness.

``PMC Wagner'' is essentially a mercenary unit owned by Mr. Putin, and Prigozhin was simply ordered to head the GRU unit under Mr. Putin's direct control...There is no need for Mr. Putin to go out of his way to assassinate Mr. Prigozhin.

...However, it is unnatural to think that this was carried out by the West, and if that were the case, Mr. Putin would demand that the international community reveal the truth, just as he did in the case of Nord Stream. This means that the West did not carry out the assassination and does not know the truth (because some British news outlets still believe that it was a Russian performance and that Prigozhin is still alive)...on the other hand, Mr. Putin knows the truth and he carried out the performance...or the assassination was carried out within the Russian government through a process unknown to Mr. Putin...

While there are various speculations, the Russian government has defined (and ended the incident) the death of Evgeny Prigozhin as a fact through secret burial.

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After serving time in prison, Mr. Prigozhin started out as a talented businessman who succeeded in various businesses starting from selling hot dogs, and since then he has become deeply involved in the intelligence activities of the Russian government... What an epic and intense life...

In recent years, he has led the unofficial "dark" activities of the Russian government, such as intelligence activities such as interference in the 2016 US presidential election, and the dispatch of mercenaries to Central and South America, Africa, Syria, and eastern Ukraine.

Prigozhin suddenly appeared on the world stage during the Ukraine war, and decides to pursue his political ambitions by criticizing the Russian military.

Because it attracted so much attention, it suffered both internally and externally, and eventually returned to the "darkness"...

⇒Evgeny Prigogine who became so popular that people around him couldn't handle it...

…Whether he is dead or alive, he will probably not appear on the world stage in the future...

However, I can definitely say...

"His memory will never disappear from people all over the world."


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A sad thing has happened...Russian Federal Air Transport Authority has announced that the private jet Embraer Legacy, in which Mr. Evgeny Prigozhin was confirmed to be on board, crashed in Tver Oblast on the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has reported the deaths of all 10 people on board the aircraft...

Later, Russian authorities identified the body that of Mr. Prigozhin at PMC Wagner, as well as the bodies of his aides, and confirmed the body was that of Mr. Prigozhin based on his physical characteristics...

👉 There are various speculations in the world...

Western/Japanese Media: “Putin Strikes Back” “Osorosia” etc.

Ukraine: 'He signed execution by Putin in Prigozhin rebellion'

Biden: 'I'm not surprised/There is no incident in which Putin is not involved...'

Lukashenko: 'Putin is not involved...I know he is cautious even on small matters'

And so on, as usual...

Western/Japanese media: Putin is evil…

Russian Officials: Report that Putin ordered the execution is Western fake news ...

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👉Prigozhin was respected and loved by Mr. Putin, the Russian people, pro-Russian residents, and PMC Wagner soldiers...

A Wagner soldier breaks down in tears in front of Prigogine's portrait:

Putin's condolences to the bereaved family, including Prigogine

※Some exaggerated posts such as...

Putin "Tears" I will never forgive those who assassinated my best friend!

👉What happened before the jet crash…

The Prigogine Rebellion is a once-in-a-lifetime big play created by the conspiracy of Mr. Putin and Prigogine...

NATO and the West offered Prigozhin a $60 billion bribe and encouraged him to march on Moscow...

Prigozhin consults the Russian government about the NATO offer and decides to stage a one-day rebellious performance...

When the rebellion performance began, hidden Western agents and bribed military personnel came to the surface, exposing the entire underground network of the West and ending in a huge failure...Benjamin Fulford https://twitter.com/i/status/1694849992815788484


Lukashenko had warned Prigogine that his life could be threatened...

👉It's like a spy movie... but I was speculating this incident as follows...

Sensing that Prigogine was in danger, Mr. Putin conspired with him to protect him.

👉 However, looking at Mr. Putin's expression and the state of the people, it seems that Mr. Prigogine's death is not a play...

If it's true, attention should be paid to Russia's movements after the investigation...

As long as there is no physical evidence to support it, there is a high possibility that the truth will be hidden and thrown into darkness 😔


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mako “Good morning Bing. Do you think Wagner's Prigogine is right, Bing?”

Bing “Hello. On the subject of Wagner's Prigogine. I know the following. Wagner is a Russian private military company that supports Russia's fighting in conflict areas such as Ukraine and Syria. Prigogine is the founder of Wagner, a former restaurateur after serving time for robbery, and forged close ties with President Putin and the Russian government. He is also called Putin's chef. Prigozhin claimed that on June 23, Russian forces attacked Wagner's camp, killing a large number of the fighters, suggesting retaliation against the Russian military leadership. Prigozhin announced on June 24 that Wagner's forces had captured a Russian military stronghold in southwestern Russia and were heading north toward the capital, Moscow. Prigogine announced on the night of 24 June that he would call off his advance and turn his column around to avoid bloodshed. The settlement was reportedly mediated by President Lukashenko of neighboring Belarus. Prigogine moved to Belarus, Russian authorities dropped criminal prosecution. Putin denounced the incident as a "betrayal". Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine would contribute to European security, pointing to Russia's weakness and turmoil. That's all I know. If you want to know more, check out the link below…”

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mako ``Bing is great. You have a good grasp of the profit consideration of adults...'

Bing Thank you. Bing aims to provide useful and reliable information to our users. I don't know exactly what the term profit consideration of adults means, but I always try to present my search results from an unbiased and objective standpoint. If you are dissatisfied with my search results, please send me [Feedback]. At Bing, we value your feedback. 😊』

mako: I understand. I continue question. Do you know why there is no death penalty in Russia, nor has it ever actually been executed? 』

Bing "I know the following. Russia joined the European Convention on Human Rights in 1996 and declared a moratorium on executions. There have been no death sentences in Russia since 1999. In 2009, the Constitutional Court banned the execution of death sentences, and in 2010, the House of Representatives passed a bill abolishing the death penalty. In Russia, public opinion is divided on whether to retain or abolish the death penalty, and according to public opinion polls, the majority support the reinstatement of the death penalty. However, the government and parliament are reluctant to revive the death penalty, emphasizing their relationship with the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe. In Russia, there are increasing calls for the reinstatement of the death penalty following the invasion of Ukraine and terrorist attacks. However, the Constitutional Court and human rights groups oppose the death penalty, arguing that it is a violation of human rights and that its effectiveness is questionable. That's all I know. For more information, please visit the link below.

👉In Russia, the theory of reviving the death penalty reignites due to worsening relations with Europe and the United States after the invasion

👉 Why does Japan continue the death penalty that 108 countries have abolished?

Is Russia tolerant of people who commit crimes? The oligarch Pregozin is a former criminal, isn't he? PMC Wagner also hired a large number of prisoners during the attack on Bakhmut and released a large number of prisoners into Russia with an amnesty... July 6, 2018, the death penalty was executed for the sarin attack in Japan,Russian Aum followers trembled with fear...

Let's go back in time to the Soviet era...

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It has become clear that during the Soviet era, Stalin/Lenin and the massacres in the name of labor in the "concentration camps" were secretly carried out, but the actual situation is still unknown... But after Gorbachev's "Perestroika",although that policy was a failure,it seems that leaders has been working to enrich the lives of the people devotedly ... Well, Elitzin is just a vodka drinker...

Okinawa Prefecture Naha City Hall Monument to the late Mr. Gorbachev:

“There are many difficult problems in the world, but we all have to work together to solve them, because we are all children of the same planet, Earth.”

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Even now, I still believe that the Soviet Union originally aimed for a nation that was splendid. History tells us that that ideology certainly became a breeding ground for imprisoned citizens and dictators. Let's listen to the Soviet national anthem - you can feel the passion for the founding of the country

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics National Anthem "Soviet Anthem (Motherland is for us)" (Государственный гимн СССР) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAns-qsMPo&t=3s

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What remains of Russia after the Soviet era is the nuclear and military power that expanded due to the Cold War, the deep-rooted nationalism and criticism of the Kremlin in the neighboring countries, that is, the former republics, the ideological confusion,political corruption and abuse of pro-Russian residents (genocide)etc as seen in Ukraine, https://www.tiktok.com/@mbp876/video/7098294902085176577?q

Gorbachev's 'romanticism' against the West is wrong = Putin administration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bFcEjlO3Ko

Putin Demands Western Assurances for Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duv2uNiKFSM

And now, with the exodus of the former Soviet republics to the EU and NATO, Russia is becoming increasingly isolated in Europe, even if this political trend is a conspiracy by someone.

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Russia won the Ukraine War by capturing Bakhmut with the sacrificial contribution of Wagner, led by Prigogine.

What emerged after this war was that the United States is still deeply rooted in the “business war” and is aiming for capital expansion and is “economy first” … The Russian government has many internal problems and is unstable…The Nazis still rampant in Europe...

There were some positive aspects, too:each country was aware of the rule of not using nuclear or biochemical weapons.

The drones played an active part, too.

Where will the world and Japan head in the future?

"Postwar processing" in Ukraine is noteworthy 😉



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The friendship between Putin and Lukashenko 🤝 And Prigozhin's loyalty to Putin just barely prevented a 'Russia split'...Russia's 'crisis of civil war' was accompanied by a 'painful sacrifice of Russian pilots' but narrowly averted the 'worst case' of massive bloodshed...Putin thanked them for their courageous decision. Prigozhin was given a chance to live again in Belarus, and he honestly expressed his joy😭 (i was impressed)

The United States and NATO underestimated Russia… https://sputniknews.jp/20230627/16383744.html

*President Putin's full speech as Commander-in-Chief (June 27, 2023)