Americans seem to be happy that RFK Jr.'s entry into presidential election will give them more options.

· Politics:Election,Robert F Kennedy Jr,Donald Trump,Joe Biden,Sylvester Stallone


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Opinion polls show that RFK Jr. has a lead over Biden and Trump in terms of support among young people under the age of 45. As RFK Jr. gains unexpected support, conservatives are wary that he could deal a blow to Trump.

Who would have expected that? RFK Jr. was initially praised by conservative media despite being a Democrat, and there were rumors that if Trump became president, he would choose RFK Jr., a Democrat, as his vice president...However, RFK Jr. The situation changed completely after he ran as an independent candidate. RFK Jr. may steal votes from Trump rather than Biden...

*When MMT saw the video of RFK.JR running with a light jab on the theme of the movie "Rocky", we had a feeling that Sylvester Stallone, who rewrote the history of movies with a low budget, would appear.